Analysis of Spray Dried Particle Porosity via X-ray micro-CT

Characterization of the Morphological Nature of the Hollow Spray Dried Dispersion Particles Using X-ray Submicron-Computed Tomography
The aim of this work was to investigate the feasibility of submicronCT to enable improved characterization of the morphological nature of SDD materials. The manuscript also suggests possible approaches to utilize the measured data in order to better understand the range of particle properties present within a sample. It is hoped that an improved handle on the SDD particle properties will enable improved linking of particle properties with processing conditions and downstream behaviour, and consequently, enable improved modelling of spray drying processes.

John F. Gamble, Mike Tobyn, Shawn Zhang, Aiden Zhu, Jakub Šalplachta, Jan Matula, Tomáš Zikmund, Jozef Kaiser, and Peter Oberta
Published with BMS
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